How UV resistant is the print?

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With both paper and PVC stickers, you can expect UV resistance of several years in outdoor conditions. In indoor conditions, it is a much longer period of time. When the sticker is exposed to UV radiation, it is usually also exposed to external influences, and this is where the resistance of the printing material to external conditions differs. For stickers exposed to rain and moisture, we suggest PVC, and for all other situations, both paper and PVC stickers.

How is UV resistance measured?

All manufacturers have long since introduced the rule to calculate color fastness (with a certain tolerance) on certified material placed at 90° in relation to the earth's surface and facing north, and all this to a point in the northern hemisphere that corresponds to e.g. Central Europe.

Considering that it differs from the average conditions in our region, we suggest that you stick to our recommendation, which guarantees you safe use for several years. You can definitely even double the UV resistance by using lamination.

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